Genoa in the Middle Ages 2024

The Middle Ages served as the prologue to the Siglo de los Genoveses for our city, that is, the period between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries when Genoa was the great economic and cultural power of Europe and the Mediterranean.

Throughout 2024, Genoa transforms into the Capital of the Middle Ages: a major cultural event focused on the historical period that marked the beginning of the political and commercial rise of the Superb in Europe and the Mediterranean.

The inaugural event will take place on January 19th and 20th at the Doge's Palace and will see the gathering of the major international figures of Genoese medieval history. The highlight event, instead, will be held on the weekend of October 11th-13th with a grand manifestation in the style of Rolli Days.*

There will be reflections on the most important themes: navigation, trade, expansion in the Mediterranean, clashes between families, financial enterprises of the Giustiniani and other groups, crusades, Caffaro, city politics, the birth of the doge, perhaps even Christopher Columbus.

The aim is to provide people with the tools to fully understand this historical period, increasing the perception of the value of the territory as well as the knowledge and respect for the places themselves.

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