Friends of Genoa is history, collaboration and future.
Our goal is to restore Genoa's role as a protagonist in international trade, which it historically deserves, through restorations, the promotion of cultural events of international scope, initiatives for training youth, and the promotion of technological innovation.

The Faces of the Foundation
A high-profile Board of Directors is at the helm of the Foundation: the highest offices of 'Friends of Genoa' are filled by two representatives of important Genoese business families, protagonists of the city's past and present history: the Chairman is publisher Carlo Perrone, proprietario fino al 2014 del
principale quotidiano di Genova, Il Secolo XIX, che oggi ricopre importanti
cariche nel mondo editoriale internazionale; Vice Presidente il Cav. Del Lavoro Paolo Clerici, Presidente e AD di Coeclerici, che già sostiene Genova con attività filantropiche attraverso la Fondazione che porta il suo nome.
Il Cav. Del Lavoro Pietro Salini, CEO of Impregilo Webuild, who supported the city's recovery with the record-breaking reconstruction of the Morandi Bridge and made the splendid 2022 "Superbarocco" exhibitions in Rome and Genoa possible; the brilliant entrepreneur Carlo Puri Negri, genovese di nascita, tra gli eredi del Gruppo Pirelli; Carlo Clavarino, from Genoa, currently International Chairman of the AON Group, creator of the Foundation and major sponsor of the city; Emanuela Brignone Cattaneo Adorno, a renowned Parisian architect who, among her many activities, has collaborated with Gae Aulenti on the project to transform Museè d'Orsay, and a Genoese who has been part of one of the city's historic families for decades; Tea Raggi De Marini, also a member of an old Genoese family, Art Historian, with a career in PR first in the Martini & Rossi Group and then at FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano.

Comitato scientifico
Il Comitato Scientifico Di Friends Of Genoa è composto da illustri esponenti del mondo accademico e culturale, sia italiani che internazionali. Il Comitato garantisce un’analisi approfondita e qualificata delle iniziative della Fondazione.
Ex Direttore “Musei di Strada Nuova”, Genova
Our Mission
To contribute to the revitalisation of the city of Genoa, restoring its central role in culture, tourism and technological innovation.
Stay up-to-date on all of Friends of Genoa's activities
Facts, information and figures that recount who we are and what we do for the city of Genoa. For all questions and media enquiries, please contact