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Restoration of halls in Palazzo Rosso

Restoration project of the fresco cycle in Palazzo Rosso

The fresco cycle in Palazzo Rosso is unique in the panorama of Genoese Baroque decoration, and is certainly one of the most important in the series of Genoa's Palazzi dei Rolli, a UNESCO heritage site recognised in 2006.

Of this cycle, two of the four halls known as the 'Seasons' which were painted in the last decades of the 17th century by the great Baroque fresco painters Domenico Piola and Gregorio De Ferrari, have already been restored. The two halls that have not yet been worked on, those of Summer and Winter, require conservation and restoration work due to various complex problems related to detachment, salt efflorescence, chalking of the paint film, etc.

The same restorations are necessary in what is known as the Hall of the Life of Man frescoed by Giovanni Andrea Carlone, whose subject completes an iconographic itinerary dedicated to the passage of Time, a theme that characterises the palace's overall celebratory design

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