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Cultural Events
Training and Development

Academy Project

Master's degree for professional training as a 'Science Communicator'

The project includes the creation of an Academy for the Scientific Disclosure of Cultural Heritage (the first in Italy), and the creation of a new professional figure: the Science Communicator.

The project is in partnership with the Municipality of Genoa, the Region of Liguria (which would be the certifying body) and the University of Genoa.

Il ruolo della Fondazione si espliciterà nella facilitazione dell’accesso ai corsi per i giovani meritevoli provenienti da fuori regione, attraverso l’erogazione di borse di studio, accomodations e altre facilitazioni. Lavorerá inoltre alla costruzione di partnership con enti privati e pubblici per l’inserimento lavorativo dei giovani formati sul territorio ligure e nazionale.

Science Communicators are mediators between the world of research and that of valorisation. They are professionals in the humanities (degrees in architecture, art history, languages, etc.) capable of checking and finding the correct content from academic research and presenting it to different audiences in a clear, complete and correct manner, choosing the most effective linguistic register each time. They are indispensable figures in the creation of knowledge pathways open to the general public, with the skills for both the production and transmission of content, including through the different media available.

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